Climate Anxiety
Hope, Action, and Climate Advocacy “I thought I couldn’t make a difference because I was too small.” -Greta Thunberg We live in the age of information, which means it is increasingly difficult to limit one’s access to breaking news. More and more we are seeing...

Window of Tolerance 101
So much of the safety that is integral in therapy, especially for those of us with trauma histories, lives in the complex balance of security in the present moment and entering into vulnerability (painful emotion). Knowing this, it's important to develop coping and...

A Guide to Self-Advocacy in Therapy
If you have been in therapy before or are currently looking for a counselor, know you are not alone if it feels like an intimidating process. The therapy world comes with many acronyms (CBT, DBT, EMDR, ACT, etc.) and it can be daunting to identify what it is you look...

Get Outside For Your Brain
When I am among the trees, Especially the willows and the honey locust, Equally the beech, the oaks and the pines, They give off such hints of gladness I would almost say they save me, and daily. Excerpt, "When I Am Among The Trees" by Mary Oliver We live in a world...

The Power of Community in Trauma Survivorship
sistent across human history has been the importance of community. Safety in numbers against a predator, the sharing of resources, or simply holding space for one another are all integral to our survival. Yet, largely, our individualistic culture places emphasis on...

Grief is Not Pathology
Grief and loss, whether person or place or part of self, are inevitable. Every one of us will lose someone or something, and every one of us will need to be cared for through it; yet, our culture has no shared language for loss. Grief is a collective experience that...

Journaling and Mental Health
If you have ever had a conversation with your therapist about coping skill development, you have probably received a recommendation to begin a journaling practice. Understandably, sometimes journaling is met with skepticism - What does writing about my emotions solve,...

ADHD in Women
If you feel like you’re hearing about more and more women being diagnosed with ADHD recently, you’re not wrong! Many women don’t receive a diagnosis until well into their 30s or 40s, while the average age of diagnosis for men is much younger. ADHD affects men and...

The Young Adult’s Guide To Navigating Family Boundaries
Healthy boundaries are the building blocks of healthy, successful relationships, but they can be a challenge to navigate, especially as relationship dynamics change and evolve. In many families, children grow up with a clear sense of the family hierarchy and an...

Contamination Fears In a Contaminated World: What’s Appropriate And What’s Compulsive?
Covid, Measles outbreaks, Mokeypox- it can feel overwhelming to manage the constant barrage of new threats. For most people, a significant behavioral change is needed to ensure safety, but for people with OCD or health anxiety, where do you draw the line? What are...