Are you interested in learning more about Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy as a mode of counseling or self-help? Check out these 7 amazing online resources:
- Living Life to the Full
Living Life to the Full is an interactive CBT website. This free online course incorporates audio and video clips throughout the learning modules. The site includes handouts for each course topic, a moderated discussion forum, assessments tools to track progress, and an array of other self-help materials. Users can also invite a mental health practitioner to view your progress and provide feedback.
- Centre for Clinical Interventions
The Centre for Clinical Interventions provides information on struggles (ex. Anxiety, Assertiveness, Depression, Panic, Perfectionism, Sleep, etc.) and gives access to free downloadable workbooks, customized to that area. Each topic includes 7-12 user-friendly chapters. It is an instantly practical resource. Click on “Resources” and “Looking After Yourself” to find the resource best suited to your needs.
- Suffolk Cognitive Therapy
This website provides free audio recordings of mindfulness instruction, including “Progressive Muscle Relaxation,” “Watching Thoughts Drift By,” “Acceptance of Anxiety,” and “Acceptance of Thoughts and Feelings.” They also provide clinical forms for practicing cognitive therapy, including a Thought Record, an Objective Thought Exercise & Worksheet, and a Values Exploration Worksheet.
- Academy of Cognitive Therapy
The Academy of Cognitive Therapy shares CBT outcome studies, describing conditions that are treatable with CBT, including a spectrum of anxiety and mood disorders, eating disorders, and a surprising amount of medically related disorders (including insomnia, IBS, chronic fatigue, and chronic pain).
- Three Minute Therapy
This website has an entire book online, free of cost. The book is “Three Minute Therapy: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life” by Dr. Michael Edelstein. The book includes an explanation of cognitive therapy, CBT applications for a variety of topics (i.e. worry, self-esteem, anger, and overeating), and a three-minute exercise that walks users through the A-B-C-D-E-F approach to cognitive re-framing.
- REBT Network
The REBT Network elaborates on Albert Ellis’ ABC Model of rational-emotive-behavioral therapy, explaining how beliefs are connected to our emotional and behavioral reactions. This website also includes forms for disputing irrational beliefs and walking yourself through REBT therapy. You can also download free copies of “How to Conquer Your Frustrations” by Dr. William J. Knaus and “Rational Emotive Education” by William J. Knaus.
- Mood Gym
Mood Gym is an interactive website that uses cognitive therapy to treat depression or anxiety. This low-cost site ($28.15 annual fee) incorporates quizzes, worksheets, animated demonstrations, and skill building into its program. It also tracks your progress through the workbook and helps you measure your results.

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